Meeting the Baker Clause
Your Ofsted grade could be at risk if you don't meet the Baker Clause requirements.
The updated statutory duty underlines the importance of meeting the Baker Clause not just by ensuring that your school has an access policy on its website but also that Ofsted can see that the whole school has adopted the principles behind it. In short that the entire school is singing to the same song sheet.
Which song is that?
That all 3 of the main routes into employment are given equal importance throughout the school and not just by boxes being ticked. That means that your destinations data shows a variety of routes, that your pupils speak about interest in, yes, you've guess it, a variety of routes and that your staff are aware of the main three routes and give them equal priority and value.
I can share strategies and support your Governors, SLT, careers leader and subject leaders so that your school will have no fear when the call comes.
Levels of service
1 - A 1 hour 1-2-1 meeting with careers lead and SLT link via videoconference including checking of access policy compliance and advice given on strategies to ensure compliance £75
2 - as number 1 plus a videoconference with relevant members of SLT (T&L lead, CPD lead, pastoral lead) and governors to underline their roles in ensuring the shift in ethos and to facilitate a plan to move the school towards compliance. £275
3 - as number 2 plus a 45 minute virtual INSET for staff to ensure they are fully informed about all three routes and their importance. £400
NB - all of the above can be delivered face to face but will incur extra costs for travelling. Travel costs only within 60 mins travel time from central London. Further distances can be accommodated but may be charged at a higher rate to reflect travel time.