Why Outstanding Careers and who is Careers Defender?

Outstanding Careers is home to the Careers Defender who is a fully qualified teacher with over 15 years experience providing award winning careers education and 25 successful years teaching business studies in schools and colleges throughout London. She adopted her tongue in cheek Twitter name after a particularly hard time convincing her school's Senior Leadership Team of the value of careers education; something she passionately believes in.
Outstanding Careers came about when two situations occurred within a few months of each other:
1. Firstly, she found that her hearing impairment was becoming too much of a problem for her to continue teaching.
2. Secondly, the Government handed over responsibility for providing impartial careers advice and guidance for pupils to the schools and Sixth Forms; at the same time closing down Connexions who had previously facilitated such a provision. Add to this, Ofsted indicating their intention to further inspect careers in schools and you have a number of SLTs looking for support and advice in how to provide for their school's CEIAG (Careers Education, Information and Guidance) needs.
Putting these events together it seemed to Careers Defender that the most sensible thing to do was to use her extensive experience in helping navigate the difficult and often misunderstood area of CEIAG in schools and Sixth Forms.
Failure to address this need could cost your school its well deserved 'outstanding' classification.
The entire ethos behind Outstanding Careers has 2 main aims.
1. To ensure that your pupils receive the best possible careers education, enabling them to make realistic and informed decisions which improve their chance of finishing their course/apprenticeship. (Thus, improving your destinations data which the government now collects.)
2. To ensure that your school's situation is fully catered to. The majority of companies offering IAG packages to schools do not understand the school agenda and how it impacts upon provision. Outstanding Careers does and tailors each solution to your school's needs.
Careers Defender's CV is impressive and can be found on LinkedIn along with a number of recommendations.
Your school's needs are paramount to Outstanding Careers, Careers Defender wants you to recommend her to other Headteachers and thus help more children access truly outstanding careers education.
Just contact Careers Defender to discuss your needs, there's no obligation and you have a lot to gain.