- Making a case for support for CEIAG, Careers, Aspirations, Future Planning.

Making a case for support for CEIAG, Careers, Aspirations, Future Planning.
Sunday 13th May 2018
EDIT - JULY 2021. I'm looking back at my old blogs and considering if they are useful today.
I've decided this one is and have updated the links and a few words but otherwise the message remains the same. Get the SLT, parents and Governors on board.
As I've said before on many occasions, getting support from SLT for Careers Learning is a tough job in the main.A conversation I had last week brought up the question - would schools respond better to terms such as aspirations or future planning? This ties in nicely to a piece of research that came out a few days ago so I thought it might be worthwhile sharing with you all...
It doesn't matter if you call it aspirations as long as it gets done.
I was speaking at What Career Live last Friday and bumped into an ex colleague who is now working for an organisation that supports CEIAG in schools. We stopped, had a chat and a catch up but something she said to me stuck in my mind. Roughly paraphrased it was
If we go into a school talking about CEIAG or Careers, we can barely get through the front door - talk about aspirations and future planning or destinations and you get a much warmer reception.
So do we, the careers community need to change our vocabulary?
Proving the need for more resources or support
A very useful piece of work has been published by the Education Employers Taskforce, The work is now complete and it's really useful as a tool to place data in front of SLT to show the need for more 'Future planning' see what I did there???
There is an element of effort in the methodology. Ensuring that pupils fill in the questionnaire and then your interpreting the results but the resulting data can be a strong basis for a case for further CEIAG activity and resources. It might be worthwhile running a trail with a focus group, say one helpful tutor.
Full details of the EEF resource can be found here