Primary Careers
- Primary careers learning is finally getting support, recognition and resources.
Primary careers learning is finally getting support, recognition and resources.
Tuesday 5th October 2021
As you can tell from my blog, I've long been a supporter of primary careers learning. Articles in this section may be few but they go back to 2014 - I was ahead of my time!
Thankfully, things are moving on and there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes that has impact on those interested in delivering careers learning in primary schools.
There has been a lot of resistance in some quarters to primary careers learning fearing that we're not letting children have their childhood. However, I'd defy anyone to watch the video that is at the end of this blog and not see the point. So without further ado, Here are the fantastic resources that have popped up this week.
The CDI Primary Careers Framework
Yesterday, 4th October 2021 The CDI launched the latest in the range of publications which provide schools, colleges and other organisations in the UK to deliver a comprehensive programme of careers learning for all ages. The latest is the primary framework which covers careers learning from Early Years, Foundation Stage to Key Stage 2 via Key Stage 1,
Based on the idea of a spiral curriculum this provides a framework based around 6 key learning areas which are then broken down into learning aims and then objectives. It then dovetails into the secondary/adult framework which uses the same six learning areas.
The CDI Primary Handbook which includes information on delivery as well as the actual framework can be downloaded here
At this point I'd like to thank my co author John Ambrose of Complete Careers and Kath Wright and Anthony Barnes who whipped our work into shape via their editing skills.
The Primary Quality in Careers Standard
The DFE and NAHT has also supported the development of a primary quality award that provides formal recognition of excellence. The endorsement came in June 2021.
Information about the Primary Quality in Careers Standard can be found here
The Careers & Enterprise Company Primary Resource Platform
The official launch of the CDI Framework took place during the CEC launch of it's Primary Resources Platform which also included information on Skillsbuilder. The platform links to literally hundreds of resources which are easily searchable via keyword, keystage, skill developed, context, category or even business sector.
It also has a useful section on why primary careers learning is so important and a quiz to help you determine just what you are already doing and what your priorities might be.
The CEC Primary Resources Platform can be found here
Whilst not trying to undermine the value of the resources platform I thought I'd add brief details of 2 projects that provide a lot of fuel for those trying to persuade their SLT/Governors etc to make primary careers learning a priority.
The North East Ambition Project
Undertaken over the past couple of years in the NE of England, the project looks at how the Gatsby Benchmarks apply to primary settings and provides a raft of information, resources and ideas. Key findings within the project include:
- 88% of Career Leaders now rate their careers related knowledge, skills and understanding as good or very good.
- 89% of Career Leaders believe that pupils are able to talk more about their future career plans.
- 81% of Career Leaders believe that pupils better understand the links between what they are studying and future career options.
- 82% of Career Leaders say that careers related learning is now part of their school's general curriculum, and no longer a stand-alone activity.
- 91% of schools involved in the project are delivering careers related learning for more pupils - with a strong increase in the delivery of activity for children in younger age groups.
More details about the Northeast Ambition Project can be found here
Education & Employers Our Future Derby
A two year project undertaken regionally in Derby has provided some wonderful results that underpin the validity and importance of primary career learning by delivering the following results after a programme of career learning including...
- 75% of pupils in receipt of Free School Meals or eligible for Pupil Premium agreed with the statement 'I can do any job I want when I grow up' - an increase from 66% before taking part.
- 78% of pupils agreed that 'Doing well at school will help me get a better job when I grow up'.
- 86% of pupils agreed that 'Girls and boys can do the same job'
- Children could identify 24 different jobs, compared to 18 jobs before taking part.
- Children's self- assessment of their skills showed an increase across 7 out of 8 key skills including problem-solving, teamwork and creativity
The full report can be accessed here+]
Finally, I'll leave you with the video that I mentioned at the start. Well worth a watch.