- Consultation on Common Inspection Framework 2019

Consultation on Common Inspection Framework 2019
Monday 21st January 2019
Last Wednesday Ofsted published the consultation draft which will eventually form the basis of the Common Inspection Framework for inspections taking place after September 2019.
There are others far more experienced and knowledgeable that I to look at the whole document. However, my expertise allows me to look at the areas which are pertinent to careers education and consider, in my experience, how this might look in future inspections and what it might mean to careers leaders, many of whom are new in post and still gaining experience, and leadership teams who have oversight of CEIAG as part of their role.
Major Change Personal Development Inspection Area
Personal development is a catch all term for various strands aimed at developing responsible, respectful, active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults Key points are developing 'British Values'; Health and Wellbeing; Confidence and Resilience; and key Sex & Relationships knowledge.
However the key issues that pertain to careers leaders are the following :-
- promoting equality of opportunity so that all pupils can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique
- providing an effective careers programme that offers advice, experience and contact with employers to encourage pupils to aspire, make good choices and understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the career to which they aspire
- supporting readiness for the next phase of education, training or employment so that pupils are equipped to make the transition to the next stage successfully.
How will they measure the effectiveness of this I hear you cry. Ofsted acknowledges this problem and states on page 57 "the impact of this work may not be seen until many years later. In this judgement, therefore, inspectors will seek to evaluate the quality and intent of what a school provides," They go further on page 47 when they state that in order to inspect curriculum impact they will look to, amongst other things nationally published information about the destinations to which its pupils progress when they leave the school.
Sources of evidence are cited, the most pertinent for careers learning are :-
- pupils' understanding of the protected characteristics and how equality is promoted, and diversity and how the things we have in common are celebrated.
- the quality of careers information, education, advice and guidance, and how well it benefits pupils in choosing and deciding on their next steps.
What will inspectors be looking for?
My thinking is that the first will be tested with reference to your 'stable careers programme' from Gatsby Benchmark 1 but also via 'ad hoc' conversations around the school. This signals to me the need to make CEIAG explicit within all curriculum areas.
The second will be looking for evidence of quality control and understanding of the CEIAG process by management.
Sixth Form Provision
Inspectors should take account of all the judgements made across the evaluation schedule. In particular, they should consider:
- ...how high-quality impartial careers guidance enables all young people to make progress and move on to a higher level of qualification, employment or further training when they are ready to do so.
Thoughts on Personal Development - WWW
Well straight off, careers learning gets a proper 'home' in the framework. It is acknowledge more prominently There is clear expectation that pupils need to leave school with the ability to make good choices with regard to their next steps and career path. (P58) This expectation in linked to the statutory guidance and access requirements.
To achieve outstanding for personal development the school must, amongst other things. >Meet ALL the good criteria PLUS they need to
- 'go the extra mile' to provide a rich experience
- The school provides these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities, and they considerably strengthen the school's offer.
Thoughts on Personal Development- EBI
- The Good descriptor - personal development Secondary schools prepare pupils for future success in education, employment or training by providing: unbiased information to all about potential next steps and high-quality careers guidance and opportunities for encounters with the world of work. To my mind this puts a lot of emphasis on unbiased rather than quality. I'd like to see unbiased AND quality. More to the point I'd like to see something along the lines of 'Meets the Gatsby Benchmarks'
- The inadequate descriptor - personal development The school does not ensure that pupils get access to unbiased information about potential next steps, high-quality careers guidance and opportunities for encounters with the world of work. Again unbiased AND quality
- When considering transferring pupils to PRUs schools must consider the ways in which leaders have identified, assessed and met the needs of pupils. I certainly hope that will include their possible destinations so i'd like to see that clarified.
Major development CEIAG in the Quality of Education area of inspection
There has been much talk about the new CIF focussing on curriculum and indeed one of the descriptors for good in this area is career related. Pupils are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training. They have the knowledge and skills they need and, where relevant, they gain qualifications that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests and aspirations and the intention of their course of study. Pupils with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.
For Sixth form provision outstanding descriptor
The work that students do over time reflects consistently demanding curriculum goals and matches the aims of the curriculum in being coherently planned and sequenced towards building sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and destinations.
What will inspectors be looking for?
Again the programme, but also for the cooperation between the careers leader and department heads to ensure that CEIAG is delivered coherently.
Thoughts on Quality of Education - WWW
- I do like the good descriptor for Sixth form, it clearly puts the onus on the school to develop a curriculum designed for the world in which pupils will live and work. Leaders adopt or construct a curriculum that is ambitious, appropriately relevant to local and regional employment and training priorities, and designed to give students, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.
- I also love this good descriptor Students are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training. They have gained qualifications or met the standards that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests and aspirations and the intention of their course of study. Students with SEND/high needs have greater independence in making decisions about their lives.
Thoughts on Quality of Education - EBI
- To meet outstanding quality of education judgement I'd like to see the school will need to meet the good criteria AND to coin the Ofsted new key phrase 'go the extra mile' with careers learning.
There is bound to be much debate and dare I say it,, disagreement amongst the education community about the changes Ofsted are intending to make. My role is not to get involved in these but to draw attention to the changes in CEIAG within the curriculum and, from my own point of view, suggest improvements. Please get involved in the consultation. The links are below and comments and suggestions are accepted by Ofsted until 5th April 2019 via the link.
Announcement of new framework
Draft handbook
Comment on the draft up until 5th April