- Careers education – looking back at 2015 & forward to 2016
Careers education - looking back at 2015 & forward to 2016
Sunday 3rd January 2016
Happy new year to all my readers. This year over 22,ooo of you read my blog, thousands more Tweeted my comments and thoughts. Hundreds of you came and saw me speak (Thank you for the kind words from the majority of you) I've been elected to the CDI Council to represent careers education, I'm again a National Careers Week Ambassador of 2016 and I've loved every moment of it
So, 2015 has been a great year for me personally but also for careers education, so I'd like to share with you some of what I think are the highlights of last year and some predictions for 2016.
High spots of 2015 and my blogs about them
Updated statutory guidance & QICS recommended in statutory guidance
The updated statutory guidance made things slightly clearer for schools, though in my opinion it still fell short in many ways. One of which was the fact that it left the gaining of a Quality in Careers Standard award as recommended rather than statutory for schools. This in my opinion would have forced schools who were not providing a good standard of CEIAG for pupils to take on the task of improvement and would have recognised the work of those schools who are doing a darn good job.
Ofsted CIF & strengthened inspection of CEIAG
There were a number of comments that hinted at the higher status that CEIAG was being given during Ofsted inspections culminating in the publication of the Common Inspection Framework which weaved CEIAG throughout a number of reporting areas. Anecdotally I'm hearing of far more instances of schools being asked to account for their CEIAG programme and even being asked to identify a senior leader that leads on it.
Teach first careers leaders report and trail
The recognition of the need for middle leaders for CEIAG and the need for incorporation of careers into Initial Teacher Training is much welcomed. I certainly hope it spreads throughout ITT.
A Vision for Education 2040 SSAT
The main recommendations of this report are that better brokerage is needed in schools and that professional careers advisers are needed.
The Career Development Institute Schools Affiliate Membership
Launched in early 2015, the CDI brought out a new form of membership for schools which allowed schools access to cut rate and in some cases free training, specialist and general careers conferences, access to a free online resources area and regular email updates. along with quarterly publication of Careers Matters and the NICEC journal free of charge This has been taken up by lots of schools. Details can be found here.
Education Skills & Economy Committee I didn't blog on this one
Sam Gyimah has stated categorically that there will be an announcement about 'careers education' in the spring. I think the formation of this new committee and the consultation asking what the British people think of careers education are pointers for the idea that 2016 is the year when careers in schools bubbles to the top of the pot once more.
Paul Chubb receives an MBE
Paul, is a valued colleague and formally Executive Director of Careers England. Paul has worked tirelessly for careers and education in general. - Announced in the NY Honours List. Well done Paul, is much deserved.
The awaited announcement in spring
What will it be? I'm not certain but I'm hoping for some money for schools to achieve a Quality in Careers Standard. Maybe even moving it from recommended as in the 2015 statutory guidance to a requirement.
The Careers and Enterprise Company
I think we'll see the CEC providing training for schools in how to utilise their offer and hopefully how to put together support on how to manage a good CEIAG programme with good quality assurance and management systems.
Ofsted deepening their interest and methodology for inspection of careers (I refuse to use the word rigour)
This I think is indicated in this paragraph from the Ofsted annual report 2015 and their 'next steps' section
Inspectors have sharpened their focus from September 2015 on the extent to which schools prepare pupils for the world of work and make effective links with local businesses. In a thematic report to be published next year, Ofsted will identify how well schools help pupils to develop crucial employability and enterprise skills through both academic and vocational routes.
All in all, I think 2016 is going to be a very busy year. It would be nice to hear your thoughts