- The New Ofsted Framework 2015 – implications for careers learning

The New Ofsted Framework 2015 - implications for careers learning
Monday 15th June 2015
This article was my first impression. I've since written a further article looking at implications for schools
Having now had the time to go through the new Ofsted framework for school inspections I'm happy to report that the new framework more firmly supports the need for quality careers learning
I'll spend some time over the next few days considering how this is likely to affect schools and blog further. In the meantime perhaps you need to update your SLT link, governors and headteacher.
Grade descriptors for personal development, behaviour and welfare Page 49
High quality, impartial careers guidance helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations. They are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.
Pupils use careers guidance to make choices about the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.
Grade descriptors for outcomes for pupils Page 55/6
Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment and have attained relevant qualifications. Compared with the national average for all pupils, higher proportions of pupils and of disadvantaged pupils, progress on to a range of higher and further education establishments, apprenticeships, employment or training. These destinations strongly support their career plans.
Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment and have attained relevant qualifications. The proportion of pupils progressing to higher and further education establishments, apprenticeships, employment or training is close to or above average. These pupils do so at a level suitable to meet appropriate career plans
Inspecting the effectiveness of the 16 to 19 study programmes Page 62/3
Inspectors will consider how well:
- learners receive high quality impartial careers guidance that prepares them for their chosen next steps and enables them to make well-informed decisions about their future plans
- learners, and groups of learners, progress to the planned next stage in their careers, such as a higher level of education or training, or to employment or an apprenticeship
Grade descriptors for 16-19 prov
Outstanding Page 63
High-quality impartial careers guidance ensures that learners follow study programmes that build on their prior attainment and enable them to develop clear, ambitious and realistic plans for their future. Learners understand the options available and are informed about local and national skills needs.
Almost all learners progress swiftly to higher levels during their study programme. Almost all learners complete their study programmes, achieve qualifications relevant to their career aims and move on to sustained education, employment, training or an apprenticeship.
Impartial careers guidance ensures that learners undertake study programmes that build on their prior attainment and enables them to develop clear and realistic plans for their future.
The great majority of learners progress to higher levels during and after their study programme. They complete their study programmes, achieve qualifications relevant to their career aims and move on to sustained education, employment, training or an apprenticeship
Grade descriptors: the effectiveness of the 16 to 19 study programmes Outstanding page 64
High-quality impartial careers guidance ensures that learners follow study programmes that build on their prior attainment and enable them to develop clear, ambitious and realistic plans for their future. Learners understand the options available and are informed about local and national skills needs.
Grade descriptors: the effectiveness of the 16 to 19 study programmes Good page 64
- Impartial careers guidance ensures that learners undertake study programmes that build on their prior attainment and enables them to develop clear and realistic plans for their future.
- The great majority of learners progress to higher levels during and after their study programme. They complete their study programmes, achieve qualifications relevant to their career aims and move on to sustained education, employment, training or an apprenticeship.