CEIAG & Careers Leaders

Connexions is dead, here come the vultures

Thursday 14th November 2013

A contact passed on to me today an email originally sent from AELP which read as follows:-

Dear Member
Please find below a notification we have received from The National Apprenticeship Service
'The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) have been alerted to a website called Apprenticeships Portal - http://apprenticeshipsportal.org/

They are contacting schools and trying to persuade them to get their Year 11 students to register on their website ready for Apprenticeships starting in 2014. There are no vacancies on the site. They are also claiming that, by doing this, schools will be able to demonstrate to OFSTED that they are giving pupils advice on Apprenticeships.

In particular we want to alert you to the following:-

The contact number on the site for candidates (young people) is a 0906 number (cost £1.53p per minute). Candidates are also charged for the service as 'the payment system is linked to pay pal'- it is £25 to register.

This is not the NAS website nor do we promote or endorse this website. NAS services and those of the National Careers Service are the Government supported services and free to the user.'

This is what happens when you demolish the entire infrastructure, whilst the storming, norming and forming are taking place, the opportunist vultures are circling. We all must do what we can to improve this situation. Please sign the petition currently on the HMG petition website asking government to improve the current situation. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/55766 The TES is promoting this petition.