CEIAG & Careers Leaders

How to save time & effort planning National Careers Week #NCW2014

Saturday 9th November 2013

For those of you not lucky enough to make it to my workshop at the CDI conference in Stratford upon Avon last Thursday, I am providing all the resources. The subject was how to use National Careers Week to raise the profile of careers in your school.
I focussed on the various activities you could deliver, how to plan for them effectively using the 5 minute action plan and how to sell the idea to your SLT using Ofsted & Pupil Premium arguments to gain interest. You might find it easier to look back at my posting on this subject from a while back http://careersedforall.co.uk/?p=166 for a quick overview which I gave orally.
Here is my Prezi
The ideas booklet
National Careers week booklet
and the action plan
action plan
For ease of use I've also added an example action plan
completed example action plan
Finally, a link to my pinterest board of subject based lessons specifically picked to show subject teachers and get them on board
Please feel free to comment with ideas for improvement or examples of activities you've used.